With close to a decade of experience in the real estate industry, my fascination with Teneriffe’s iconic Woolstores has grown with every passing year. My profound understanding of these heritage listed buildings provides me with unparalleled market knowledge, reflected in the results my team and I deliver.

I am proud of the unmatched level of service we provide to every client that entrusts us with the sale of their property or interacts with my team as a buyer to provide an experience second to none.


GEORGIE GARDINER | Executive Assistant

The administrative mastermind working behind the scenes at Ben Percival Property, Georgie meticulously ensures we deliver an exceptional client experience in every interaction.

Infusing each task with flair and meticulous attention to detail, she elevates our daily operations, empowering our team to provide an unparalleled level of service throughout every step of your property journey.


WILL BLEWITT | Sales Associate

Open-minded, approachable and eager to learn, Will brings a phenomenal energy and genuine interest to every single interaction.

His sporting background as a Rugby League player, property economics studies and experience in the construction industry, combined with his natural talent for real estate, provide him with the ideal foundations for a stellar career in the industry.

